
The Evites´ religious movement was founded by 7 founders on the 07/07/2017. There are three women and four men among the founders. None of them are called Eva. The founders´ names will never be made public. They want to prevent religious wars in their names in the future, as they were and are common in other religions. Another reason is that they do not wish to be superior to other believers.

The Evites were not recognised as a church yet and they will probably not try to achieve that. The founders of the world´s biggest churches have not done anything like that either. This attitude can change when the prophecy comes true and the visionary appears.

How the Religion Got its Name

The name has nothing in common with a name of any person or historical figure. It reflects the refusal of the discrimination against women which is so common in many religions. There is as well the necessity to set apart from the Adamitic churches. They were mostly very violent and fanatic. The Evites are completely different and do not wish to be connected with them. The only exception may be the ancient Adamites who lived in the first millennium. They were Gnostics who met naked to the baths and prayers. Their nakedness had nothing to do with sexuality, exactly as it is at the Evites. Epifanius from Salamina mentions them in Panarion.

Evites may seem very rare now, but they will spread and in some parts of the world they will become a prevailing religion. We can expect their boom around the year 3500.

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