Seven Principles

The Evites learned from the history of other religions and will not repeat their mistakes. The believers are bound to keep these seven principles:

  1. You will worship the Entity in the clothes in which you were created, by receiving the sun´s rays with the whole body and by dipping yourself in water.
  2. You will protect the holy places and keep them clean.
  3. You will treat all the living creatures with respect and affection.
  4. You will not force your belief on anyone. Everyone finds their own way.
  5. You will not kill anyone, especially not in the name of the Entity. You will not fasten the explosives to your body and detonate them in a crowd.
  6. The heretics and witches are just a figment of the misguided people´s imagination. Therefore you will never torture anyone or burn them at the stake.
  7. You will always refuse murdering, violence, thievery and fanaticism and you will never commit them.
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