The Holy Text

The Beginning

Fourteen billion years ago there was just a super-intelligent Entity. There was nothing else - no time, no space. Even the gravity or other forces did not rule the universe, because there was no universe. In the super-intelligent mind an idea came about. The idea turned into action and caused what we call now the big bang. So the universe came into existence and it has been expanding ever since.

The Entity chose several planets where it let the life arise. One of them is the Earth. On the Earth there were a lot of plants and animals and only about three million years ago the humans appeared. There were several people at the beginning, not just one or two. Neither man nor woman was first, they appeared at the same time. They lived in a warm place near the equator and they were nude. Their skin was the best clothing for them. It was warm so there was no need to get dressed. There was enough food for everyone. They could just stretch their hands and pick fruits from trees. No fruit was forbidden, just some fruits were inedible. The first people did not know poverty so they did not fight with each other.

The people´s main mission was to respect one another, to populate and explore the planet. All the people were good then. Apart from the mutual love and respect they had the gift of human reason and speech. They started to give the things and people their names. No animal had the gift of speech. Just the parrots could imitate it. There were no speaking snakes on the Earth because they have never had any vocal cords.

The people were aware of who gave them life. They called the Entity God. It is the name which expresses its omnipotence and intelligence but does not depict its nature. Its nature is neither manlike nor womanlike. It consists of both these elements and a lot of others.

The First Evil

For centuries and millenniums the people had been living in harmony without any problems. They were trying to fulfil their mission as well as possible. They were treating one another with respect and love, populating the planet and gathering wisdom and knowledge. They invented many things which made their lives easier. The human race spread from the equator to the South and North to the areas where it was not so warm anymore. To survive in such conditions, they invented clothes. They got dressed to protect themselves against cold. But later they became arrogant and they started to compete who would wear better clothes. The Entity did not like that but it still was patient with the people and hoped they would discover their mistake and rectify it soon. But this was not to happen. The people became even more arrogant and stated that that it was a shame to be naked. That was a lie. It was the first evil and the first evil was a lie. It was not a common lie, it was a blasphemy. There is not a worse blasphemy than to say that God created something immoral on our bodies, something so immoral and dirty that there is a necessity to cover it.

Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief. After the first evil there was a second, a third and a lot more, no one can count them anymore. The people lied, stole and killed. Violence bred violence, a lie bred more lies. The Entity got angry and sent frost to the whole planet. We call it the ice age nowadays. The Entity hoped, people would understand the cause of its anger and would change their ways. When the frost abated and flowers bloomed again, most people still did not understand and stubbornly insisted on their fallacies. The Entity preferred to devote itself to other beings in some other planets. It still watches the humanity, but does not interfere in their affairs. From time to time just a few people appeared who understood at least partially. Only they may return to the Entity after they die. However, during their lives on the Earth they are often persecuted by the ignorant majority.

The majority is very confused. They lost a great deal of the knowledge they used to have. They wish very much in their hearts for the Entity to return again and to protect people. But they do not remember their mission very much. The only thing they recall is populating the planet. The trouble is that they know no bounds and do that at the expense of everything else. Whenever they overpopulate a place, they use up the resources and therefore they start a war. There is a lot of violence in the wars, a lot of thievery and lies so there is still the same evil.

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