
You can only worship God dressed in the clothes in which you were created, by receiving the sun´s rays with the whole body and by dipping yourself in water, because those are the basic elements making life possible. This is the essence of the Evites´ belief. There is no need of priests and the services are not celebrated by anyone. The believers meet at the holy places in the open air, which bear the energy needed for communication with the Entity. The prayers are only said in the thoughts, never aloud. They are different every time. They have no set text. The best position for the prayers is lying down, because it provides the best connection with the Earth. The concentration can be improved by closing the eyes.

The holy places serve for praying and for meeting other believers. They greet one another: "A beam to the Entity."

If the climatic conditions do not allow the prayers to be celebrated outside, they can be temporarily celebrated inside and the sun can be imitated by another source of warmth.

If Evites are verbally attacked by a nonbeliever during the prayers, they explain to the confused one in a peaceful way that they are celebrating a religious ceremony which is required by their belief. If the nonbeliever is very aggressive, the Evite can claim the human rights and the political correctness and give examples of their applications towards other religions.

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